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Rachel and Buzz

A bit about me

My name is Rachel - I am a civil servant with a busy job, but I enjoy nothing more than relaxing with my horse and training for competitions after a hard day’s slog in the office.

My road into horse ownership was via a rather unusual route. I won the Your Horse Magazine 'win a horse' competition & I met Terri in 2006 when she helped me find my winning mount!


As a 7 year old ex-racehorse Earl was sharp, green, wild eyed and far from the perfect first horse on paper, but he was the one for me and I enjoyed 9 years of wonderful times. We grew and learnt so much together. It was quite a journey!!

Earl and I made our British Eventing debut in 2007 and enjoyed many seasons competing at BE90 and 100 eventing.

Unfortunately, I lost Earl in 2015 at the age of 16, but it was support from the yard that helped me through this incredibly difficult time.

In October 2014 I bought ex-flat race horse Buzz straight from the racing yard.

At age 3 he was a total blank canvas and I am enjoying training him from racehorse into superstar eventer! (well, maybe one day!). He has quite a personality and is like an overgrown puppy, always wanting to be part of the action and play with everything.

In 2015 and 2016 we focussed on an introduction to eventing and competed in the 'Burghley Young Event Horse' classes at Badminton. Buzz is settling into life as a baby event horse well and we are developing our partnership. Having been placed a few times last season at BE90 we have now stepped up to BE100 with ambitions for more!

It’s lovely to share these experiences and the Hill Livery gang come along to be part of Team Buzz. The support, laughter and camaraderie makes for such good times and the training by Terri helps keep us progressing and ready for the next challenge.


I am lucky to be sponsored by two wonderful companies who share the same values, work ethic and love of horses as I do – equine supplement company 'Equifeast' and equine osteopath 'HorseOst'. It’s a pleasure to work with such professional people.

Miss Clipboard

I enjoy being the yard organiser and every now and then I relieve Terri of the odd duty and help out by coordinating yard trips and visiting professionals.

I enjoy organising things and am very regimented in my own horse’s 'maintenance' activities. I believe that if you ask your horse to work and perform at the best of his ability, then you should do your very best to keep him in the highest mental and physical health and be in a position to treat problems early. Tack, teeth, back, hooves, feed and their general routine are all important factors.

I really enjoy watching the professionals at work and learn a lot. They each have their own 'eye' for a horse and these skills are invaluable to their health and wellbeing.

There is never a dull moment at the yard and it’s the perfect antidote to a busy day at work!

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